International Journal of Sport Psychology
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Volume 41
Volume 42
Volume 43
n. 1 - January-February 2011
From teacher to friend: The evolving nature of the coach-athlete relationship
Roberta Antonini Philippe
Sam S. Sagar
Sophie Huguet
Yvan Paquet
Sophia Jowett
A case study of the emotional aspects of the coach-athlete relationship in tennis
Sophie Huguet
Roberta Antonini Philippe
Empathic accuracy, shared cognitive focus, and the assumptions of similarity made by coaches and athletes
Ross Lorimer
Sophia Jowett
Linking maintenance strategies to the quality of coach-athlete relationships
Daniel J.a. Rhind
Sophia Jowett
Influence of desirability for control on instructional interactions and intrinsic motivation in a sport peer tutoring setting
Pascal Legrain
Yvan Paquet
Fabienne D’Arripe-Longueville
Roberta Antonini Philippe
An examination of the interpersonal relationships of the coach-athlete-peer triangle
Anne-Line Balduck
Sophia Jowett
Reflected appraisals of coaches, parents and teammates: A key component of athletes’ self?
David Trouilloud
Charlotte Amiel
Perceived coach-athlete and peer relationships of young athletes and self-determined motivation for sport
Allison Riley
Alan L. Smith
n. 2 - March-April 2011
The influence of asynchronous motivational music on a supramaximal exercise bout
Jasmin C. Hutchinson
Todd Sherman
Lyndsey Davis
Dusty Cawthon
Nathan B. Reeder
Gershon Tenenbaum
Causal influences of expected running length on ratings of perceived exertion and estimation time limit scales
Jérémy B.j. Coquart
Adam Stevenson
Murielle Garcin
Towards a dispositional version of the Coping Inventory for Competitive Sport
Jennifer R. Hurst
Amanda Thompson
Amanda J. Visek
Brandyn Fisher
Patrick Gaudreau
Longitudinal analyses of stressors, perceived control, coping, and coping effectiveness among early and middle adolescent soccer players
Clivew. Reeves
Adam R. Nicholls
Jim Mckenna
Factorial and predictive validity of the Belgian (Dutch) Athlete version of the Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q)
Anne-Line Balduck
Sophia Jowett
Marc Buelens
n. 3 - May-June 2011
Instructional approaches in youth volleyball training settings: the influence of player's age and gender
Felismina Rosa Marques Pereira
Amandio Braga Dos Santos Graça
Minna Blomqvist
Isabel Maria Ribeiro Mesquita
Physical activity, sedentary time and subjective well-being in Taiwanese older adults
Po-Wen Ku
Kenneth R. Fox
Li-Jung Chen
Pesus Chou
Discontinuity and variability in the development of the overarm throwing skill in 3- to 18-year-old children
Jean Keller
Jean Marc Lamenoise
Marc Testa
Eveline Golomer
Florence Rosey
Pre- and post-performance emotions in gymnastics competitions
Melinda Pellizzari
Maurizio Bertollo
Claudio Robazza
The fallacy of directional anxiety
Remco Polman
Erika Borkoles
The effect of sports participation on the intensity of psychosocial problems of males with quadriplegia in Poland
Natalia Morgulec-Adamowicz
Andrzej Kosmol
Wojciech Otrębski
n. 4 - July-August 2011
Assessing motivational climates when training for Sport
Todd A. Gilson
Jeong-Dae Lee
Martha E. Ewing
Media exposure and adaptive coping in elite football
Elsa Kristiansen
Glyn C. Roberts
Antecedents, accuracy and consequences of parents’ behaviours. A cross sectional study based on Eccles Expectancy Value model
Julie C. S. Boiché
Emma Guillet
Julien E. Bois
Philippe G. Sarrazin
Implicit but not explicit aggressiveness predicts performance outcome in basketball players
Thomas Teubel
Jens B. Asendorpf
Rainer Banse
Konrad Schnabel
Physical activity, perceptual-motor performance, and academic learning in 9-to-16-years-old school children
José Morales
Luís-Millán González
Myriam Guerra
Carles Virgili
Viswanath Unnithan
n. 5 - September-October 2011
Cross-cultural validation of a three-dimensional measurement model of performance anxiety in the context of Chinese sports
Wen-Nuan Kara Cheng
Lew Hardy
David Markland
A longitudinal study of masters swimmers’ commitment
Bradleyw. Young
Matthew E. Piamonte
J. Robert Grove
Nikola Medic
Effects of increased physical activity and motor training on motor skills and self-esteem. An intervention study in school years 1 through 9
Ingegerd Ericsson
Magnus K. Karlsson
Immediate improvements in emotion and stress following participation in Aerobics, Circuit Training and Tai Chi
Judy J. Frith
John H. Kerr
George V.wilson
The association between intra-individual and extraindividual determinants, and lifetime sports behavior on leisure time physical activity. A cross-sectional study with older adults
Martina Kanning
Wolfgang Schlicht
n. 6 - November-December 2011
Mental toughness, Coping Self-Efficacy, and Coping effectiveness among athletes
Adam R. Nicholls
Andrew R. Levy
Remco C. J. Polman
Lee Crust
Spatial ability and motor performance: Assessing mental rotation processes in elite and novice athletes
David Moreau
Annie Mansy-Dannay
Jérôme Clerc
Alain Guerrién
Sports-related correlates of disordered eating: A comparison between aesthetic and ballgame sports
Eva M. Krentz
Petra Warschburger
Longitudinal analysis of sport commitment types: Does injury play a role?
Windee M. Weiss
Stage-specific prediction of physical activity in orthopaedic patients after rehabilitation treatment
Jeanette Jackson
Sonia Lippke
Colin D. Gray