Manuscript guidelines

Manuscripts should be written in English, and conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition, 2009), as described in "Basics of APA Style Tutorial " and "APA Style FAQ ".

Manuscripts must be original and not submitted for publication to any other journal at the same time. Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication must transfer copyright to Edizioni Luigi Pozzi.

Authors must use A4 format and add line numbers. Four types of manuscripts can be submitted:

  1. Position statements, theoretical re-interpretations and multi-experiment papers should not exceed 30 pages inclusive.
  2. Brief reports (empirically-based communications or commentaries) should not exceed 15 pages.
  3. Research notes. These submissions should not exceed 5 pages. They may present some initial findings, methodological issues or stimulating data from initial pilot work.
  4. Letters to the editors.

Authors should strive to make their contribution as precise and concise as possible.


The IJSP Editorial Board requires that authors strictly follow ethical guidelines from their country or state.

Submissions must comply with appropriate inoffensive language standards.

Checklist for submission

  1. Cover letter
  2. Original manuscript - First page (title of article, name of author(s), affiliation, running head, e-mail address of lead author, grant and thanks)
  3. Blind copy of the manuscript (first page removed)
  4. Each section should be separated by a page break:
    • Abstract (150 words)
    • Body of the manuscript
    • References
    • Tables and figures
    • Captions