A technical method for effecting stability in sports: A case study of biathlon and air-pistol shooting sports

Tongling Wang *, Cuiqing Zhao ** and Dawei Yu *

(*) Institute of Physical Education, Huzhou University, Huzhou, Zhejiang, China
(**) Sport and Leisure Industry Studies, Myongji University, Seoul, South Korea


Wang, T., Zhao, C., Yu, D. (2024). A technical method for effecting stability in sports: A case study of biathlon and air-pistol shooting sports. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 55(1), 78-89. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2024.55.078


Shooting sports require a high level of stability to achieve accuracy and pre- cision in hitting the target. This study presents a technical method for effecting stability in shooting sports by analyzing a case study of the sport. This study ex- amines how stability could improve in shooting sports through technical meth- ods. The research found that selecting the right equipment, maintaining correct body posture, and practicing breathing techniques could enhance stability. Mental preparation and relaxation techniques are also beneficial. Physiological factors like muscle tension and breathing rate influence stability. The study provides guid- ance for coaches, trainers, and athletes to improve performance in shooting sports.

Keywords: Sports; Shooting; stability