Training care-providers to implement exercise, physical activity, and sports participation interventions

James K. Luiselli

Psychology Consultants, Carlisle, USA


K. Luiselli, J. (2017). Training care-providers to implement exercise, physical activity, and sports participation interventions. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48(5), 543-554. doi:10.7352/IJSP.2017.48.543


This paper reviews the training of care-providers to implement exercise, physical activity, and sports participation interventions with persons who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. The review concentrates on applied behavior analysis (ABA) training models that have good evidence-support with careproviders in diverse service settings. The paper also considers post-training performance management, procedural efficiency, social validity, technology-assisted training modalities, and maintenance. Research studies are presented and described to illustrate training and performance management tactics applicable with careproviders.

Keywords: Applied behavior analysis, Care-providers, Exercise, Performance management physical activity, Sports participation, Training