Some brickbats and bouquets for ecological approaches to cognition in Sport

Bruce Abernethy */**

(*) Institute of Human Performance, University of Hong Kong, China
(**) School of Human Movement Studies, University of Queensland, Australia


Abernethy, B. (2009). Some brickbats and bouquets for ecological approaches to cognition in Sport. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 40(1), 136-143.


The articles by Brett Fajen, Michael Riley and Michael Turvey, Kenneth Hammond and Robert Bateman, Ruy Jornada Krebs, and Gerhard Kaminski on different ecological approaches to sport cognition present a unique com- pilation of thought-provoking essays that should be of both interest and chal- lenge to all sport psychologists. Each article presents a position on the study of the psychology of sport (and other facets of skilled human movement) that is directly influenced by one of the giants of ecological approaches – James J. Gibson (in the case of Fajen et al.), Egon Brunswik (in the case of Hammond & Bateman), Urie Bronfenbrenner (in the case of Krebs), and Roger G. Barker (in the case of Kaminski). In this commentary I make some necessar- ily brief observations on the strengths and issues associated with these eco- logical approaches, treated first individually and then collectively. My per- spective in examining the papers is that of someone with a particular interest in skill learning and expert performance. My interest in ecological psychol- ogy is largely from the context of a researcher intrigued by the contribution that ecological psychology, in its various forms, might make to understanding movement expertise (e.g., Abernethy, Burgess-Limerick & Parks, 1994) and as an interested observer of the paradigmatic tussles between cognitive psy- chology and ecological psychology for dominance of motor control and learning research (Abernethy & Sparrow, 1992).
